These fish and plants I have bred and tank raised. Message me to order so I can be sure to bag the right number of fish for you. Message me with any questions. Cash please.
Long Finned White Clouds (Tanichthys albonubes) All White Clouds make a great dither fish but once the fins develop on this variety they become a real show stopper. These fish are just starting to exhibit the long fin trait. ( A picture of the brood stock (parents) is included to show what you can expect in the future.) A great addition to your tank. Recommend a school of at least 6. $5.50 each, 6 for $25 (Pre-order as there will be just a couple of bags of 6 at the event).
The picture directly below is the brood stock (parents)

Young Adult Long Finned White Clouds that are being sold

Bronze Corys (Coryadorus Aeneas) These are great for your clean up crew. When kept in a group of 6 or more, it is wonderful to watch them school. Great personalities. $4 each, 6 for $20 (If you want other than 6, pre-order)

.Peacock Gudgeons (Tateurndina ocellicauda) These are a graceful and beautiful addition to a tank stocked with nano fish. Great colors and peaceful. Add a slash of color and elegance to your tanks. $6 each. 4 for $20. (At the event I will only have bags of 2, $12. If you want an odd number pre-order.)

Black Bar Endlers (Poecilia wingei) These are a gregarious little addition and a great dither fish. Males $3 each, Females $2 each. 6 for $10 (mixed sexes) Will have bags of 6 at the event pre-order if you would like a different number.

Butterfly Goodeid (Ameca splendens) These fish are beautiful but severely threatened in the wild. They are easy to keep and do nt need a heated tank. I keep these with barbs with no issues. Reports are they hold there own in a cichlid tank. Unlike other live bearers, eggs are internally fertilized, embryos are feed by a primitive type of umbilical cord. I have not seen young predated. The gestation period is longer than more common live bearers. Breeding is not continuous. These are sold in pairs, the males have a yellow strip in tails and exhibit spangling and a blue iridescence on their flanks. Females are attractive but not as ostentatious. Pair $8, 6 for $20 (mixed sexes).

Bristlenosed Plecos (Ancistrus) These are fry that are between 1 and 1 ¾ inches long. Adults are 3 to 5 inches. Great algae eaters. A must for most tanks. $5 bag of 6

Amazon Sword Plants (Medium and Large)These plants are tank grown. These were harvested off shoots of a mother plants. Medium size are. $4 each Large are $6 each.

Amazon Sword Plant (Extra Large) this plant's leaves are approximately 12 to 14 inches long. This plant grown in gravel. This would be a great centerpiece plant $15

Frogbit This is a great floating plant for the aquarium. It purifies the water and filters light. Great for fry and deterring fish from jumping. $3 bag. Pre orders only.
Stem Plants (possibly Ludwigia) Nice red on the underside of the leave. Most stems are rooted. $3
Moss or Susswassertang Great for breeding or for fry. Can be attached to grow on ornaments, driftwood or even a Hamburg Matten Filter. $3.
Anubias hastifolia (Large) This plant has an arrow shaped leaf. It emerged from in my 29 Gallon. Needs a tall tank or an open top. $8 Sold

29 Gallon Tank, stand and Reflector Standard 29 gallon tank. Very nice wooden stand. The reflector is florescent and works. I am selling because I do not have room for it. If you are would like to purchase message me so I can bring it to the Fishtail gate.

If it's not to late here is a last minute order for a bag of (6) Long Finned White Clouds and a bag of (4) Peacock Gudgeons. See you this afternoon.
If it is not to late I would like to order 4 peacock gudgeons and 6 of the ameca splendens
Looking forward to seeing the Black Bar Endlers, and I'd like a bag of Frogbit if you still have some.
You are on. I check and rinse plants before bagging. I have managed to eliminate duckweed from many of my tanks but I do keep some for my goldfish and goodeids.
if the frogbit is clean ( duckweed) and true Limnobium laevigatum
I would like 2 bags...
Rich, Tim would like for you to save him a bag of bristlenose plecos, please. Thanks.